Voting for San Diego County Supervisor
District 1 starts in early March of 2025.
If you are a pedophile: Don't vote for me.
You are not going to like me.
If you believe an unborn baby in America
is a human being with Constitutional rights:
You won't regret voting for me.
I am a life member of the NRA,
And have been a Golden Eagle for many years.
I am also a Life Member of other
organizations that support the 2nd Amendment.
I would work for and promote any actions
that would give us Voter ID in San Diego County
and counting by paper ballots only.
Counting ballots by computers leaves too much to chance.
Votes can be manipulated and changed by computer software.
Visually, looking at a computer, no one can tell
if that computer has a wifi, or Bluetooth connection,
or if the software has been hacked, or manipulated.
No vaccine or jabs mandates!
No mandate on wearing masks!
No mandates on closing legal businesses
We could use Elon and Vivek in San Diego
and even better the whole State of California.
While we love legal immigration, we need to control who enters our country
the same way we screen people entering our private clubs,
our homes, and our companies.
We need to stop the drugs that are killing
and destroying so many of our young people.
Our country needs the right to exclude immigrants from our country
that have a history of lawlessness just as any business can exclude people
if they interfere with the operation of their legal business.
As other people have discovered and some are rediscovering,
you cannot have a free, independent, safe,
and self-ruling country without a secure border.
If you believe the government should put a tax on you
for every mile you drive:
Don't vote for me.
I will vote and fight against that tax.
IMHO: A Democrat vote says you believe a small fish
is more important than putting food on your table
or even having a home to live in.
IMHO: If you vote Republican, you are saying
you believe in the Declaration of Independence,
the Constitution, common sense, and
the opportunity for anyone to be wealthy and successful.
But even we Republicans need to be watched.
All political power tends to corrupt we humans.
So many people ask about and talk about affordable housing
for the poor and homeless. The Fees
(over $100,000.00 to start building a home before you even put a shovel in the ground.),
and the regulations, and the delays (which costs builders money)
makes it virtually impossible to build an affordable home
for a person with limited means.
One of my main projects will be to eliminate these impediments
and road blocks to building an affordable home.
I need your help to get into a position where I can solve this problem.
I can't get there alone.
Call or email Lincoln if you want him voting these values
for you as a San Diego County Board of Supervisor.
If you want to walk your neighborhood
or make a few phone calls, Lincoln can use your help
to let the voters know about one of the choices
they have when they vote for a new San Diego County
Board of Supervisor in District 1.
You can help out with cash or Bitcoin here:
Your donation here sends a strong message
to the other candidates about what issues
they need to address if they happen to win this election.
I need your help to win this election!
The City of San Diego just burdened tourists
with increased and new parking fees to raise
Five Million Dollars. Often tourists check out costs.
IMHO: This could cost businesses
One Billion Dollars in lost revenue.
That would mean lost jobs for workers
and lost profits for business owners.
Everybody is a little poorer except the Democrat politicians.
IMHO: Keeping government taxes and fees
at a minimum, will attract more tourists.
Higher taxes will make us a less attractive place to visit.
Lower taxes and reasonable regulations
will increase profits for businesses
and will help create more jobs for our people.
As Ronald Reagan said, "The best social program is a job."
Your vote for Lincoln Pickard is a way to tell Gov. Newsom
and the State Legislature you disapprove of their spending
$50,000,000.00 of our tax money on legal fees
to promote: open borders ; And
Newsom mandates that interfere with our health,
business. and liberty ; And
limiting our water supply to protect some fish ; And
tax money spent on legal fees
which would stop the proper maintenance of our forests
which would set the stage for more raging forest fires.
Help Lincoln say Hell No! to Newsom's bad policies
and lack of common sense.
You have a chance to vote for a candidate
that will fight for the average Californian
not the millionaire and billionaire elitists
who think they own our state.
I am 83.
And my next stop is either Heaven or Hell.
Your prayers are appreciated.